A problem a lot of first-time and yet to succeed entrepreneurs encounter is getting caught up in thinking that their idea is unique and that if they tell people …
It seems all the designers over at LayerVault News aka Designer News talk about on an almost daily basis is Sketch 3 by Bohemian Coding. This product is touted …
If you are getting calls from the number (08) 6228 4010 do not answer or call them back. A telemarketing company called TSA Telco Group Australia who acts on …
I haven’t made it shy I love a good conspiracy theory. After the NSA revelations, I promised myself I would scrutinise and question things a little bit more. …
Recently, I encountered a REALLY annoying issue with my Mac Magic Mouse disconnecting every time it was bumped.
Sometimes when I listen to music I like to tap …
An interesting topic I thought would be better served as a post. Are email confirmation fields still needed in modern web forms?
Recently I was tasked with …
Even though I recently purchased a MacBook Pro, I still use a Windows PC at home running Windows 8.1. There are so many quirks and issues in Windows 8 I would …
Right in the nostalgia.
The source code for what was a good portion of my childhood for the game Commander Keen has been released. The source code is available …
After the amount of backlash it received for spreading U2’s new album forcefully upon ALL iTunes users, Apple have created a tool to remove the U2 album, …
Usually I write my blog posts in Sublime Text Editor using Markdown and then I copy and paste into a Markdown format convertor before publishing them, but it is …