There is a lot of confusion when it comes to MySQL and views versus stored procedures. Many people often wonder what the difference is between the two of them? …
Now that I use a Mac for work I use Sequel Pro for administering databases (at home I use Navicat, but can’t warrant the expense for work paying for a Mac …
I actually really like the Blade templating parser that Laravel ships with, but I know there are many who do not like it. Funny story about Blade, it was …
Recently I was tasked with writing a regular expression that would check for a valid Australian phone number for both landline and mobile phone variants whilst …
Recently whilst trying to use the Zurb Foundation Abide validation component I ran into an issue where I was getting a bizarre error involving form validation. …
At work our internet connection is painfully slow for the moment while we sort something better out and I ran into a rather interesting quirk whilst using …
Currently Bootstrap is still the preferred choice for prototyping web applications and rapidly getting a MVP out the door. As great and undeniably helpful it …
Newcomers to Node.js will have run into this issue a couple of times. You get your setup working, you’ve built a little application and on your server you …
Chances are you are living in the past or working on a project that was built in the past that is still marking up content using DIV tags instead of semantic …
This is the one aspect of jQuery and well, Javascript, in general, I see newcomers to Javascript and jQuery get caught upon. Heck, I’ve seen veterans get …