Everyone wants to build the next Facebook, the next Google, the next Instagram and the next big thing. The harsh reality is that only a handful of people every …
For some weird reason, this very blog has started getting a lot of traffic the last few days, from Google. I wonder if Google have recently tweaked their search …
Firefox has supported CSS variables since version 29 and at present, no other browser supports them. In version 31 of Firefox, Mozilla are once again first to …
First things first, I am not a Ruby on Rails veteran. I am fairly new to the framework, but have dabbled with Ruby before and understand it. Take this post with …
All responsible/good front-ender developers use some kind of package management these days, whether it be in the form of Composer, Node Package Manager, …
To the disdain of some, NoSQL databases are well and truly here to stay and everyday proving their worth. The number one question I see being asked is: can I …
You might have heard Elder Scrolls Online has hit Steam at 50% off its original price. I decided to take the plunge and buy the game, I purchased the Imperial …