In most parts of the world, some more developed than others, cyclists are afforded the kind of protections and freedoms you would expect they are. Much like …
When it comes to CSS and front-end frameworks in general, I used to avoid them. I used to favour my own custom solutions because I understood them better and I …
I have recently switched over from command line GIT to Atlassian Sourcetree because I like to see what is going on, makes things like branching and selective …
I absolutely love beef jerky, however the price is something I do not love. Why is it such a delicious snack is so expensive to buy when you can make it at home …
Recently I bought this extremely cheap Tongtel brand pressure cooker from Sams Warehouse here in Australia. I’d been meaning to buy a pressure cooker for …
The 2014 Australian budget and first for LNP party has caused quite the controversy. There are cuts everywhere, unviersities can set their own fees, HECS debt …
Believe it or not in all of my career as a developer, I’ve never had to take a Photoshop character tracking value and convert it to a letter-spacing value …
Hacker News, Reddit and Stack Exchange all share a similar trait with one another: voting. You can either up-vote or down-vote depending on restrictions the …
You have your idea, you have the skills/means/money/time to build it: but where do you start?
The first reaction of many will be to rush right into design and …