It really does feel like the Microsoft team working on the Edge browser are legitimately trying to put out a decent and truly evergreen web …
Understanding Aurelia Router Events
Unknown to some is the Aurelia router supports events. Using the Event Aggregator dependency in Aurelia, we can actually listen to various …
My Thoughts On Jetbrains Toolbox: SaaS Moneygrab
Recently the makers of Webstorm, Jetbrains announced something called Jetbrains Toolbox. The site describes it as a "new licencing model" …
Aurelia + JSPM: Deployment Best Practices & Unknowns
Update February 2016: A more comprehensive article on bundling and exporting Aurelia applications has been published here. This post will …
Aurelia Configuration
One of the most important aspects of a web application (besides the application itself) is how configurable it is. Where you define key …
Privates In ES2015 Javascript Classes
One feature missing in ES2015 (formerly ES6) classes is the concept of a private variable or function. However, thanks to ES2015 modules we …
Convert Javascript Prototype Name From PascalCase to file-case
At my day job, I am currently building a pretty complex Aurelia application. One such component of the application is a widget system which …
Aurelia Code Snippets
I swear this will be my last Aurelia post for a little while. As the community and use of the framework grows, I thought it would be a great …
Iterating Objects Using Repeat.for In Aurelia
In Aurelia we already have the power to iterate arrays from within our views and for most purposes, this is fine. However, sometimes there …