I can hear the Rails purists slicing open the soft flesh of their vitamin D-less wrists now. Are you crazy? PHP sucks, lets all build …
Identi.ca Is Not Sexy (And You Know It)
With all of this App.net talk and Twitter fucking over third party developers I keep seeing comments like, "what about Identi.ca?" and "We …
Google Chrome and Flash: Heaven vs Hell
I love Google Chrome, it's been my browser for a very long time now especially since Firefox failed to address the severe memory leaking …
Introducing Zebra: An Open Source Social News Application
Due to recent developments in the Hacker News community and people raging over the questionable moderation and hate Paul Graham of Y …
Barack Obama Reddit AMA Proves Cloud Hosting Sucks
People often believe that cloud hosting solutions like Amazon's EC2 offering are a platinum bullet when it comes to reliable and infinite …
Twitter To Third Party App Developers: Fuck You
In-case you didn't already hear, Michael Sippey of Twitter has just announced drastic changes to Twitter which will affect pretty much every …
Are You Burning Your Talent?
The general consensus of a lot of places I've worked at whether it be the opinion of a manager or old way of thinking directly from the top …
So It’s 2012 Why Do We Still Have Captchas?
It seems like every single other aspect of the web has evolved and or is constantly evolving but when it comes to stopping spam the …
The Problem With Woocommerce (It’s Crap)
First time Woocommerce user, long time WP-Ecommerce user. I recently built a store using Wordpress to sell some t-shirts online as a work …