After wanting to order a suit from online store Indochino for a while now an upcoming event made me decide to take the leap and order one. I …
Absolute Position Elements Playing Nicely With Youtube iFrames
Recently I was working on an e-commerce website that had a custom modal box show a Youtube embed. The Youtube video is embedded using an …
A jQuery Isotope And Google Chrome Bug Fix
I recently worked on a project where the wonderful jQuery Isotope plugin was needed to sporadically reposition items for depending on the …
Redirect A WordPress User Straight After Logging In To Any Page
There seems to be a lot of outdated code out there from Wordpress 2.x days on how to redirect a user to any page of your choosing after …
Honing My Design Skills
I am a developer, not a designer/developer which to me is a fallacy. There is no such thing as a designer and developer, you're using two …
I Think It’s Time To Ditch Firefox and Move To Google Chrome
I think the last straw has been drawn and I'm no longer going to use Firefox as my default web browser any more. The rapid release cycle …
WordPress Like Templating And Theming For Codeigniter
If there is one thing that I could name besides the extensible plugin system that I love about Wordpress it would have to be the theming and …
Developing The Ultimate Authentication Library For Codeigniter
Codeigniter's lack of an authentication system is both a blessing and a curse. The blessing is that you don't need to conform to a …
Are Electric Vehicles Really Eco Friendly?
This post is not against electric vehicles, I'm all for electric vehicles, but sadly a lot of people don't truly understand what eco …